as long as you’re celibate we’re very loving here (not to be confused with affirming) and you don’t need to feel shame about being gay just about acting on the gay just like straight folks shouldn’t lust after each other and think about sex before we’re married except it’s fine for us to daydream about the future and hold hands and innocently cuddle on the couch while watching a movie but you can’t even do that sorry you’re screwed no, we didn’t say you can screw we said you’re screwed sorry we still love you though we’re very loving here
This is a poem from my book, unbelieve. I included a queer section in each of my three books (jaded and whole are the other two) because, out of all the toxic and wrong beliefs evangelical Christians (I used to be one of them) hold, this is one of the most harmful (historically and present-day).
I don’t waste my time arguing with people about this anymore, but I spend a lot of time and energy protecting, loving, and celebrating my queer siblings.
Sharing lots of pride poem art on IG this month if you want to check it out. I’m happy to give some of it away too (or exchange it for a donation to Liberation Is Lit).
I also went on a little cussing rant about queerphobia for my paid subscribers. (you’re welcome to join us over there)
Happy Pride! And thank you for this. As a queer person, I really appreciate your friendship!