bleeding heart
opening my journals feels
like reopening old wounds
both the ones inflicted
on me and the ones I
caused / I know people
who have burned their
journals but I need to
read mine, to dive deep
into my past to see which
harmful beliefs led me
here and which ones
I’m still clinging to and
how I’m going to get
all the dang way free
keeping a tourniquet
handy just in case
it gets messy
I wrote a guest blog post for my friend Joy Vetterlein about why I didn’t just burn my journals like a sensible person.
I’ve only just begun reading through them (on #8 of 62), but there have been some good surprises that have come out of it too. It’s not just carnage.
This blog post was the most words I’ve written in a row in quite some time. (I think it’s 1000 words.) It was a lot of fun, but I sure do love writing short poems.
Which camp are you in: read ‘em or burn ‘em?
I'm in the "burn 'em" camp. I don't know if that's good or bad, it just is.
Every now and again, maybe once every ten years, I come across an old journal. This post captures those emotions of re-discovery perfectly.