RHE when Rachel died on May 4, 2019, I cried for days—for her family and friends for all of us who loved her and depend on her words and will never get any new ones two years later, something makes me think of her and my breath catches in my throat my chest constricts as I realize all over again that she’s gone and never coming back in the weeks after she died, I re-read all of her books and I knew what I had to do I had to get these thoughts into words on paper and this book out into the world I had to it took me a minute but here she is * This is a poem from my book, unbelieve, that I dedicated to Rachel Held Evans, a woman whose heart and mind and words changed my life.
I would love for you to read it. Click here to buy it or DM me somewhere if you prefer a signed copy. (tulips not included) Anybody else get their world rocked (in the very best way) by Rachel Held Evans? I'd love to hear about it.
I started unbelieve yesterday, and this poem hit so hard then and again today. I knew about RHE for years and would secretly read her blog even though I felt I wasn't supposed to. Just a few days before she died, I finally had started reading A Year of Biblical Womanhood without fear...and adored it. I've gone on to read every book of hers and miss her perspective so very much. Thank you for writing a poem to puts a voice to that experience. RHE, we miss you. <3
Oof, 4 years?! I miss her words and voice and wisdom every day. She was the first example I saw of a faithful Christian that embraced doubt and spoke so openly and vulnerably about the cognitive dissonance I experienced when others simply replied, “the Bible is clear.” Um, are we reading the same Bible?!