I used to think gay people can't take the rainbow and Buddhists can't take white elephants those are God's [insert eye roll emoji + facepalm emoji + omg] well how about evangelical Christians can't take God? God is everyone's
#bonusbackstory: It was 2010. I was in my front yard, wearing a t-shirt I had bought in Cambodia. It was brown with a white elephant on it.
My Lithuanian neighbor saw me, raised her eyebrows, and said, “I’m surprised you’re wearing a Buddhist symbol on your shirt.”
I frowned and mumbled something like, “That’s not what this means,” went inside, googled “white elephant Buddhism.” Crap. I asked a fellow Christian if they thought it was okay to still wear it.
“Marla, God made elephants,” they said (very authoritatively). “Buddhists cannot claim them.” Whew. Good. Because I really loved that t-shirt.
Love it!