I hate it here
you can’t beat Trump
if you’re committed
to telling the truth
itching ears only hear
that trans people and
immigrants are why
they’re broke and
that electing this
racist rapist will
magically fix it
Hi, friends.
No plans to write more poems with that vulgar clown’s name in them but we’ll see.
Grief, anger, fear on repeat. Love, hope, and resolve poking through.
If you don’t have paragraphs of eloquent words for such a time as this, I’m with you.
Keep going, keep resting, keep resisting, keep petting your kitties, keep poeming.
We’ll get through this together.
Sometimes when I think about the state of our union right now the T Swift song "I hate it here" starts playing in my head, and while I'm not sure that's what your title was referring to, I hope so and I resonate with it. Trying to create a better world in the little bubble I have. Feeling relatively insulated from the awful things about to befall us, but worried about all the people who will be hurt and impacted (and wish that only Trump voters would be impacted by rising tariff prices). Worried about my lgbtq people and immigrants and and...
I've channeled my rage into needle-felting this week. It's been hard to be motivated to do anything else other than craft.