I met god this week
in white-haired introverts
bravely introducing themselves
in a kind man who wants to write
less academically, more vulnerably
in class clowning with my
hilarious and brilliant friend
in sopes and tacos and shawarma,
injera and lentils and doro wat
in an 80-year-old Black man’s
funny quips and Jim Crow stories
in a publisher-turned-friend
who believes in me
in a long-time literary hero
calling me (me!) a badass
and that’s not even the half of it
but I’ll stop before my heart explodes
* My friend Nya Abernathy and I spent four days together (two of them at the Writing for Your Life conference) in ATL this week, and it's not an exaggeration to say that our time together was life-changing. Be watching for unfolding details on Instagram and in our upcoming books. (wink) If we met at the conference, PLEASE DROP A COMMENT TO SAY HI!! And my friend Cara Meredith and I are hosting another Upcycling Words that No Longer Fit writing workshop on Saturday, March 18. We'd LOVE for you to join us. The last one was SO MUCH FUN.
I love reading this...your cup runneth over
Wow. So happy for you. Nya’s amazing.