I will say this for evangelical christianity
having someone
hand you
a list of things to
takes a lot less
mental and
emotional energy than
figuring out the world
and yourself
on your own
But I would never, ever go back. It’s actually a lot of fun figuring everything out. And hard. And sometimes infuriating (when I think about all the indoctrination). But mostly fun.
How about you? You having fun?
i would never want to change anything. the person i am today has been fought for (by myself, sometimes against myself, sometimes in spite of myself). i'm relatively happy, mostly well adjusted. the only thing i would really love to change is the amount of money i earn, but i want to do that on my own terms too.
Yes! Exploring tarot/folklore/seasonal myths is part of my creative & spiritual practice now, and it’s just so FUN. Like, wow, I’m not actually spontaneously combusting from exploring my interests. Who’d a thunk.