they say god is ineffable—too great
to be described—and I was created
in their image which makes me
ineffable too / as in indescribably
great and also you probably do
not want to eff with me right now
Hi! It’s been a minute. (I accidentally took last week off.) Some exciting news!
It’s NOT TOO LATE to sign up for the All the Holiday Feeeeels writing workshop I’m co-hosting with Cara Meredith on Dec. 10. I would loooove to hang out with you. (there’s a sliding scale for payment)
My new book, jaded, is ALMOST READY to go to print! I’ll let you know when I have an exact release date. Meanwhile, here’s a FUN CHAT I had this week with my PUBLISHER about the book.
My @whitegirllearning account on IG is FIVE YEARS OLD TODAY. I’m giving away some books if you want to check it out!
What’s one thing you’re looking forward to in the near future (holiday or otherwise)?
Here’s to being INEFFABLE! (this is a poem from my new book)
Love this poem! I snapped my finger at the end!
I am looking forward this being my first holiday season on happy meds (zoloft)
Don't F with me this year Capitalism Christmas, lol