long story short
scrapped my wordy drawn-out
deconstruction saga
and swapped it out for
angsty poetry
A friend texted me this afternoon to tell me that she had written a Substack post about writing a book next year. She thanked me for my inspiration and support.
FYI: any variation of “you inspired me to write a book” is my freaking love language. Inspiring people to write is what makes me fart and gives me life.
I had actually already seen her post (I read it before I got out of bed this morning) and had made a note to myself to leave a comment when I had more time. I’m soooo happy she’s writing a book because it’s gonna be GOOD.
I think you should write a book too.
I’m not kidding. And I’ll be talking more about this over the next few weeks, because I turn 50 in 2025 and I’m feeling very reflective and also this sense of urgency that I don’t want to leave this world with things unsaid.
Oh, and this is the book my little poem was referring to. If you think you might also want to turn your wordy saga into angsty poetry, I think it will inspire you.
Do you want to WRITE A BOOK but you’ve been afraid to say it out loud? Say it in the comments, and I’ll cheer for you REAL BIG.
Ugh. Friend, yes, I want to write a book🫣
I want to write 2!