I briefly mentioned my ex-in-laws in a post a few weeks (months?) ago, and someone who knows them well wasn’t happy about it. Said they’re “the best people” and it’s been years since my ex left and I “need to get over it.”
I responded to this person in my private journal lol.
Here’s the thing. I get to choose what I say and write (and how long I say and write it) about people who have done shitty things to me.
I’m reeeally not a fan of people harming others, then going on their merry way, sweeping the abuse under the rug, rewriting the narrative, and hoping no one ever hears the truth.
Will I “let it go” and “get over it” all someday and put it behind me for good? Perhaps. We’ll see.
Am I wallowing in it and stewing about it every day? Hell no.
But when the mood strikes, I’m weaving words together and making cathartic art (these illustrations are from a 2024 Effin’ Birds calendar by Aaron Reynolds).
Some of the rest of these pieces might be crossing a line, so to speak (again, I get to decide), so I’ll put them beneath the paywall line lol.