I was born in 1975, which means I’ll be turning 50 in 2025, which means I’m on the verge of straddling two centuries. Or my teeter-totter is almost even and will start tipping in the other direction soon.
Forgive my shitty metaphors lol. Bottom line: I turn 50 in 10.5 months, and I’m feeling equal parts reflective on the past and motivated to make the most of the time I have left.
Don’t worry, I don’t plan on dying soon (the hope is to make it to 100) but I’m reeeeeally feeling the whole “I do NOT want to leave any single thing undone/unsaid/unlived, damn it.”
I hope y’all are ready to be my sounding board over the coming year. You can always unsubscribe, but I’m pretty sure you’ll be missing out.