unbelieve if becoming a heretic is what I have to do to love people fully and completely then it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make * This is a poem from my book, unbelieve, which re-released with Lake Drive Books this week and is available for purchase.
I'm also giving TWO copies away to my substack readers! Just leave a comment telling me your favorite color OR which state you live in. I'll announce the winners next week. Another way to get a free copy is to do an IG collaboration with me where you share my book + your book/art/business/whatever and the post goes on both of our feeds and we get more eyes on our work. Let me know if you're interested!
Your book looks amazing! I can't wait to get it and read it! I just published something similar - poems related to deconstruction, self-advocacy, and spiritual expansion. It's called I AM: Poems for Expansion and Renewal. https://tinyurl.com/IAMPoemsRenewal. I'd love to do an IG collab! @catherinequiring on IG.
Yellow 💛