Once upon a time (2022 or 2023 who knows it’s all a blur), one of my jobs was to write emails for this really rich entrepreneur dude. The job suuuuucked.
It also paid a LOT. And newly divorced single moms who were missionaries in their not-so-distant past and have a lot of bills will take whatever jobs they can get. (within reason obvs)
I would listen to his podcast episodes so I could write his show notes and he’d say things like, “You don’t want to be a dancing bear who only gets paid as long as you’re dancing” and I would roll my eyes and keep dancing writing.
I remember the day I was watching one of his videos so I could write a series emails about it for him and the topic was AI and how easy it was to get AI to write stuff for you, and I laughed and thought to myself, “Well, it’s only a matter of time until he figures out that I’m over here doing a job for a lot of money that he could get AI to do for free.”
And sure enough…