I posted this on IG yesterday:
This is a theme that keeps coming up (over and over again) lately. People I know who are trying really hard to write a book, but they’re STUCK. Something isn’t working, something isn’t right.
And I’ve started telling them something that worked for me. Exhibit A: a poem from my book, unbelieve:
long story short
scrapped my wordy drawn-out
deconstruction saga
and swapped it out for
angsty poetry
What if you did that too?
Here’s a discussion I led a few months ago on the topic of Creating Poetry from Prose.
And here’s some information about a month-long poetry workshop I’m facilitating with my friend
in April. It’s for people who already write poetry, people who used to write poetry but stopped, and people who are thinking, “why not try my hand at poetry?” We would LOVE for you to join us.Here’s the link to sign up. It’s $249. You can pay all at once or $50/month over 5 months. (Edited to add: This is the early bird price. It goes up to $299 on Monday, March 18.) It’s going to be awesome. I’m going to make a bold statement and say: it may even change your life.
Do you write poetry? Have you ever written poetry? Are you trying to write a memoir that just isn’t working? Do you need some writing support/guidance/community? Tell me all about it in the comments.
This looks great. I'd love to take it, but I think it's on the list of things I'll have to hold off on until I'm not a pastor anymore. (A couple of years away probably.) So I hope you'll offer it again!
I love this! Memoir is something I’ve always wanted to try but always thought it would be best left for years down the road. You’ve inspired me to start now, one little poem at a time.