Aug 21, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

I Love to travel. You already know this🤣 I am an only child. I was a Registered Nurse for 30 years & retired early due to Breast cancer[I am in a place of health now] & I went to college & lived in Murray Kentucky for 3 years. I really loved it there. [that is actually four but I am really not good at following rules🤣]

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I love that you don’t follow rules. 😎 And I can’t wait to meet you at something bookish someday!

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

1) I have a job that no one's heard of and I love it so much

2) I wholeheartedly believe in the Universal Cat Distribution System because it turned me from a dog person into a Cat Person even though I'm allergic to cats

3) I collect collections, but (mostly) not knick-knacks.

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Ooooh I’m so intrigued by your job. Is it a secret?? And I loved cats as a kid (we had a lot) and just this year we got two. They’re so much fun. I’m also a collector (globes, typewriters, scrabble tiles, religious figurines, books). 🩵

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

Not a secret at all! I've actually been pretty active in raising the profile of the profession. https://www.askamanager.org/2023/01/interview-with-a-veterinary-social-worker.html

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Oh wow!! What a beautiful and challenging job. ❤️

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Love Ted Lasso. Tarantulas, not so much. Alliterative places to live is cool! Speaking of alliteration:

1.} I name my vehicles alliterative names like: Taylor Tempo, Aurora Accent, and Celeste Camry. We also had Van-essa and Sa-Vannah during our dreaded Minivan era.

2.} I also am an HSP/empath, because they’re pretty inseparable.

3.} I adopted the life motto of “leaving a trail of beauty” back in 2014 when my marriage was on its last crumble before being irretrievably broken. It has become a buoy, a comeuppance, a plumbline, and so much more. The beauty centers me and constantly reminds me to live life with the focus of leaving more of it in my wake.

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

I love your 3 - I've been thinking a lot lately about people pleasing vs. creating joy and beauty. I spent a lot of my life bending myself in knots trying to meet other people's expectations, but I started to drop that in favor of more confidence in my own choices a few years ago and realized yesterday that I've structured my life now around bringing joy and peace to the people around me and it's VERY different. They're not using me or walking on me, I'm actively choosing to create joy and beauty and find it extremely fulfilling.

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I haven’t named my vehicles since high school. I love that you do that. I’m an HSP/empath too. And I loooooooove your motto. 🦋💕

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1) i love stuffed animals: my most recent is a kiwi given to me by my partner

2) i’m a metalworking student who is currently considering switching to fiber arts

3) current drink of choice: mango liquid death

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Okay, these are all so intriguing. Tell me more about mango liquid death. 🥭💦💀

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

1 - I love to make lists and keep track of things (for example, I have a Word document that tracks every meal I've made for friends for the past almost 20 years - this is only one of many odd examples)

2 - My favorite film franchise is the Fast & Furious series - they are ridiculous and unrealistic but I love the emphasis on family & relationships and I will never get tired of theses movies. I especially love the casting!

3 - I am an enneagram 6w5. I'm a highly sensitive person, an empath, an introvert, an ISFJ, my love languages are receiving gifts and acts of service, and a Virgo who has mixed feelings about that since I was raised to actively be against astrology but it's interesting even though I've never really related to the typical traits of a Virgo.

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

Fellow ISFJ... and I am also a list maker, although I have switched systems over the years so I don't have a 20-year-old one -- #goals!

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1. This is amazing.

2. I’ve never seen any of them.

3. Fascinating.

Thank you for sharing!!

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

1) I’ve seen Les Mis live twice (I try to go whenever it tours near me)

2) Currently obsessed with Abbott Elementary, possibly because I’m a teacher and it’s cathartic 😅

3) I can’t keep plants alive to save my life, so I have Lego flowers and succulents to brighten my space

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I love Abbott!! (and I used to be a teacher) I have LEGO flowers and real plants/flowers both.

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When did you switch to Ted Lasso?!

I’ve been trying for several minutes to think of anything interesting about me that you don’t know. So here’s some stuff about me that may be boring instead. 🤪

1. My current special interest/hyperfocus is learning more Spanish. DuoLingo, children’s books from the library, Spanish pop music on Spotify, etc has been my life these last few days. It brings me joy!

2. One of my favorite animals I’d love to own (besides a horse or a koala, lol) is a ferret & I find a lot of people don’t even know what they are. I used to play with them at the pet stores when I was little & they’re so soft & fun & adorable!

3. I’ve been to Mexico, Canada, Indonesia, & Brazil, as well as an airport in Hong Kong (lol). I would love to visit Japan, New Zealand, England, & Bangladesh (and almost anywhere else, ha), but hate flying. Soooooo. Yeah. 😬

Anyway. These comments have been fun! :)

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I switched to Ted Lasso soon after it ended.

And I love that I know so much about you.

I think you should get a ferret!! 🥰

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

Three past obsessions:

1) I have read Anne of Green Gables/Emily series and the Little House series and some of Madeleine L'Engle books and Pride and Prejudice literally dozens and dozens of times. (Little House has not aged as well as I learned more about history... but I still love the food descriptions!)

2) I watched The Little Mermaid every day on VHS for about six months straight when I was in sixth grade and could quote/sing large swaths of the dialogue and music. My family loved this... not.

3) The first movie I watched multiple times in a theater was While You Were Sleeping (4 times as a broke high schooler).

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

I saw Titanic 9 (NINE!) times in the theater in high school!

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

I have not watched all of Titanic once! I watched part of it, muted, in a restaurant once.

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🤣 (you should watch it) (it’s really long though)

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I belt out “part of your world” every once in a while to impress/mortify my kids 😂🩷

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1.) I've read the first Anne book multiple times and the series twice. I think I've read the Emily series too but can't remember. Little House too. Even read some of them to my kids back in the day.

2.) I listened to the Little Mermaid soundtrack on a cassette tape (I was in high school) and also had it memorized. (and yes I sang out loud in the theater earlier this year)

3.) I don't know if I watched any movies multiple times when I was younger. We did see Black Panther 3x in a theater in Cambodia. Tickets were like $2. :)

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

I definitely saw the original Star Wars about eight times in the theater.

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Return of the Jedi was the first movie I saw in a theater (I was 8).

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

I have a memory of watching Return of the Jedi in a theater, but my sisters tell me I never went to it in a theater... but I do have detailed comic drawings of the movie that I drew after seeing the movie... so maybe I watched a bootleg version of it at some point?

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Hilarious!! You still have the drawings??

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

Yeah, I’m 61 so I was there for all of those firsts. Lol. Saw the original Star Trek the motion picture in theaters. That was another good one!

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Love that!!

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Love all the Anne books, as well as Emily. Lucy Maud Montgomery is a kindred spirit for me.

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I'm Nick, and here goes:

1) I went to London, England in Junior High with my parents. We arrived on Easter Sunday morning, and had several hours to kill until check in time at our hotel. So we wandered the deserted streets of London on Easter Sunday morning back in the late 90s. It was weird.

2) I'm a United Methodist Pastor (but not THAT kind...), and am trying to figure out what a healing journey through childhood trauma looks like at the intersection of my faith.

3) I'm a guitar player, and have been for years. Recently bought a new guitar!

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Hi, Nick! I love learning these things about you. Thanks for sharing! My son-in-law plays the guitar.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

This is really fun to read!

1) my husband and I once got lost while hiking on pikes Peak and had to have search and rescue come and find us.

2) I wish I would’ve known myself better in college because I would’ve been a library science major, and become a librarian, which is my dream job.

3) my very first car was a 1974 Maverick with three speed column shift and I had to learn stick shift to drive it. That car gave me fits but I enjoyed driving stick so much that after my kids were grown and gone I went back to it and now I have a little five speed manual transmission, Kia soul.

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I relate to #2 sooooo much!

Also, I’m glad they rescued you!

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

Thanks! Me too! We were very safe, fortunately, but just not sure where exactly we were in how to get back to our car. Lol.

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1) oh wow! 2) librarian is my dream job toooooo!!!! 3) I had a very bad experience trying to learn to drive stick shift. 😬

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

Maybe we should become librarians together! We will specialize only in books that affirm our beliefs and help other people to understand. Lol. And there will be no book banning allowed! Will have a section just for banned books.

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OMG 🥰🥰🥰

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

This is fun! I love reading your posts! Just wondering WHY you’d eat a tarantula - and want to know more!! What about me! 1) I moved from Texas to North Carolina to NY to California and just recently to Colorado - EVERY Time Zone in the US. 2) I’m an advocate for the underdog, especially people with disabilities 3) I remember eating both Rattle Snake and Frogs Legs and thinking the same thing about each, it tastes like chicken, like everyone said it would. But give me bacon and pickles in a Bloody Mary! That’s unique! IMHO 🤣

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That’s a lot of moving! Tarantulas are pretty common to eat in Cambodia. Fried and seasoned, it’s kind of like beef jerky.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

I see! And such it is eating rattlesnake in Arizona and frogs legs in New Orleans! FUN! FYI - I also lived in Ohio, while attending The Ohio University 💚🤍💚🐾

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I went to basketball camp at OU in 1993. 💚🤍

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That's cool that you've lived in such alliterative places!

(1) I accidentally learned how to love and interpret poetry by listening to 70s rock with my dad growing up. (2) I drive an absurdly huge, 13-year-old sedan, which I affectionately refer to as "the hearse." (3) I have a lot of chronic health issues, but two ways I manage symptoms have led some to jokingly refer to me as a vampire: I can't eat garlic and I have to limit outside time during the warm, sunny months because of severe allergies.

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Love the 70s rock/poetry connection. And I drove a 1978 Ford Fairmont station wagon in high school named The Beast. You’re a very adorable vampire. 🖤

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Aww, thanks, friend! And I love that you named your HS car The Beast; maybe it's a writer thing, but I love naming vehicles.

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My friend Tammy had a red Ford Fairmont that looked exactly like mine but not a station wagon. Hers was named Beater. I wrote a 10-page paper about them for English class called Beater and the Beast. 🤓

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Love this!

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

I would encourage you to at least try feeding off the blood of a bedazzled lover... you never know. Growth opportunity.

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I'll keep that in mind, LOL.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Marla Taviano

Do you grill a tarantula? 🤷‍♂️

Let’s go waaay back: (1) I once broke into a church as a kid just to play their pipe organ. Fled the scene when the police arrived. [I wonder what gave me away...] (2) my music tastes might best be described as “screaming”--my Pandora station jumps between heavy metal and musical theatre. What can I say, I love wailing. Probably in prep for my eternal life, if you add some gnashing of teeth. (3) my kids still talk about how I took my wife’s homemade healthy kale, spinach, protein shake, added peanut m&ms in the blender and declared it a success. 😋

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Tarantula was fried, I believe.

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I love how quirky you are and how you embrace it. Definitely one of the reasons we’re friends.

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I’m still cringing over the tarantula 🫥

1) my kids all start school tomorrow and this introverted mom is verrrry excited 2) I have 3 swallowtail caterpillars growing on a sprig of dill on my kitchen windowsill right now and they make me so happy 3) my new favorite coffee is the Barbie latte at my local coffee shop (strawberry & white chocolate) 🩷 happy Thursday!!

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Love the idea of a Barbie latte!

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Um, I looooove all these things you shared. Thank you! 💗

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