(not a) disclaimer I used to put disclaimers in all my books as a way to cover my ass in case people read me the wrong way now I just write about how I used to write disclaimers so everybody can see how much I’ve grown (wink) these days I try not to over-explain myself and just be my weird, quirky self without (much) worry or apology
Yes! For the same reason, I overuse parentheses, dashes, and any other punctuation that allows extra detail.
Hahaha I love love love using () ... -- and in my business emails it gets a little embarrassing how much I use parentheses especially...
I love ellipses and parentheses! Oh, and dashes, too.
Uh, yes. The parenthetical usage is (so) real!
I am the ellipsis girl, whether it’s for a dramatic pause . . . or just because my menopausal thoughts trail off . . . 💕🦋