Best Fourth of July post ever!

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The church is not oppressive but the true church is a symbol of freedom. The Bible says all are equal in God's sight, neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, bond or free but all are equal in Gods sight. I know i repeated myself. Also, the flag stands for what we are ideally, not always in reality. There has been oppression and we are far better than we were. If you do not like this country, MOVE OUT

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Amen! Loyalty without questioning leads to dictatorship.

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Jul 4Liked by Marla Taviano

I am with you on both counts. It’s the same reason that I don’t say the Pledge of Allegiance anymore and I have trouble singing the national anthem at ballgames. It’s kind of makes me sad because that used to be something I loved to do. I stand quietly with my hands behind my back or to my side. What a world!

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