the prodigy to prodigal pipeline I used to be the very best christian there ever was the poster child of poster children now I’m on the playbill for Backsliders & Heretics what can I say? I do some things half-assed but I guess this ain’t one of them
My new book is in the hands of some beta readers and sensitivity readers (HOLD ME) and the feedback so far is super encouraging.
Excited to share lots of new poems with you!!
p.s. Just minutes before this was scheduled to post, I had this urge to google the word “prodigal” to make sure it meant what I thought it meant (wayward). Nope. It means “recklessly, wastefully extravagant.” Ah, makes sense. May need to rework the poem. Ha!
What do YOU think of when you hear the word prodigal?
Yes, prodigal makes me think of one who has stubbornly set off into dangerous territory!
the real (ha) definition makes the story even more radical and wonderful and your poem a well!