write your feeeeelings
write your feeeeelings ah, the holidays are upon us— magical, warm and fuzzy, twinkle-lighty, happy sigh ugh, the holidays are upon us— stressful, angsty, guilt-ridden, triggering, sad and lonely sigh both/and, right? especially if you find yourself in the middle (or on the other side) of any sort of deconstruction you know what helps me when my feelings get to be too much? (which is quite often) writing / you too? would it help to take a couple hours out of the holiday hustle and bustle to write through your feelings in a safe space with other writer friends? I know it will help me join us! * My author friend Cara Meredith and I would looooove for you to join us for an interactive, two-hour writing workshop. We’ll write, process, laugh, share, and hopefully gain clarity and feel a whole lot better. Deets: Saturday, December 10th (11am-1pm ET, 8am-10am PT) Cost: $60 (includes signed copies of my book and Cara’s) Sign up HERE. JOIN US?? I would really really love to hang out with you! Who’s in?? And let's get a little head start. How are you feeling about the holidays right now?